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Join with the spiritual messengers of God, Aka

Association of Universal Philosophy

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A new comet appeared in the heavens that became visible through telescopes near Christmas in 1969. As it passed over the Earth on March 26, 1970, it became one of the most spectacular comets of the century. On that day many throughout the world were reading Jesus' Passover promise from his last supper. (John, chapters 13-17) 


“If you love me, you will obey my commandments. Then I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you forever—the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot accept, because it does not see him or know him. But you know him, because he resides with you and will be in you. I will not abandon you as orphans, I will come to you. In a little while the world will not see me any longer, but you will see me; because I live, you will live too. You will know at that time that I am in my Father and you are in me and I am in you."  (John 14:15-20)


From late March through April, 1970, its brilliant light shone in the east for all to see.


With this light from the heavens, the spiritual messengers of God arrived upon Earth. They began to speak on April 3, 1970, through an unconscious man, Ray, to the world, from a town appropriately named, Globe. 


Before this, Ray Elkins had passed on. He went before "one with more love in his eyes than anyone" he had ever seen.


This one gave him a gift and the choice to remain there with all the others standing around the one with such love, or to return back to his body, where he would still have pain. Nothing would be changed. But if Ray chose to return, he was asked to give this gift freely to others in the same manner of love it had been given to him, asking nothing in return.


Ray didn't know what the gift was. He only knew he could trust this one as he had never trusted anyone. He chose to return. 


On April 3, 1970, the gift began to speak through him after Ray left his body to walk up a ladder (where he had been before) to stand with God. 


 In great love, a voice whispered: “Body — soul — spirit — God! Many worlds — many universes — many galaxies, like pebbles on a beach; so vast. Each galaxy set up for man’s expansion.”


Which is most important?" Ray”s wife asked.




“Who is God?” she asks, as she felt a strong, spiritual, loving  presence in the room – “An entity?”


“God…is…….everything, " the whisper resounds from all there is.


“Not one thing?” she says.


“Not one thing, but.......everything.” In love so great it cannot be measured is said, “God God!”


A little later, she asks him:  “Why can’t I call you Ray?”


“Ray is of this plane. I, by my name who speak through him…there to guide him, that others may learn through him, that they may learn a way to God….”


“His missions and my mission are to bring man back to God. For when he awakens he will have new knowledge that he has not had before, for he will be able to think of things I have thought of and to think knowledge — will be closer to God. Closer to God.”


April 3 is the most likely day that Jesus spoke his farewell Passover promise, the U.S. Naval Observatory calculates. Some say it was the day of Jesus' crucifixion. 


Three days later, on April 6, 1970, the voice explained“I come to Ray.”


His wife asked, “What do you want Ray to know?”


“To bring his flock to God.”


The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, said July 15, 1970: "Now, thy would ask again of us, who comes to you, and from where we came? For we were sent for one who asked God. And he who sent us and asks did say, 'Father, send Thy these who would teach, and send Thy these who would know of my Father.' There were those before him who did the same."  (See John 13:14-17, 20; 14:1-5, 15-21, 27-29; John 16:16-19,22-24,  and The Revelation  5:1-7.)


Like the angels who appeared to shepherds in the fields 2,000 years ago. the spiritual messengers of God announce, "We have come but for one purpose, to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah."


"We do not come unto one people, but to all the people of God," they told us March 3, 1972.


"For our message is for those who may see and hear, and want to hear. And the light in the east and the Cherub shall only be there for those who believe in God, our Savior.

          "We must ask for permission. Now, if thy would wait; one moment, please. 

          "Yes" (they answer God). 

          "Yes, we would say to you this, the child has been born.    

          "Yes" (they reply to the Father).

          "Yes, and thy say to us, 'Therefore, if the child is born, why cannot we see him and worship him now?'

          "Be patient, for in God’s plan the time is not yet now, but soon. For we must prepare a way, and therefore, when the time is right, our Lord shall tell us, and we shall tell thee, for all things will be known to you in time," they told us, June 12, 1970.


"These words, and the one who asked our Father, and the ones we are preparing a way for, is, as thy would call it, Jesus Christ – and we bestow upon thee this mighty task. We know that at times thy heart shall grow heavy from it, but thy love thy Father and He loves thee," they answered a person, July 29, 1970. 



Would you like to help prepare a way?


Please join us with the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, in the Association of Universal Philosophy they ask us to form.  


Become a subscribing member of the AUP for a gift of $35 (US dollars) a year. ($25 for the elderly or disabled.)


As a subscribing member of the Association of Universal Philosophy you'll receive the bi-monthly newsletter: "Rays of Philosophy" with guidance, teachings and prophecies spoken by Aka, spiritual messengers of God, from 1970 to 1989 through Ray Elkins in prophecy.


Your contribution will help the Association to go on with the work of the spiritual messengers whom the Messiah asked the Father to send – in whose Association you will also be.


When you join you will receive        –  

"Rays of Philosophy" a 10-page newsletter every two months

A free book or ebooks

A weekly email message

Loving knowledge from spiritual messengers of God, in their own words – recorded for you to hear or transcribed for you to read


Guidance for healing of body, soul and spirit


A student-teacher's course to help you grow spiritually


The gift to walk in God's hands


A church to visit or to love that is dedicated simply to God, where all faiths are welcome. Come and be with the spiritual messengers of God, who led us on Christmas Star route. Or watch a recorded service on-line. 


A healing spring, where miracles have happened – where a baptism was given, so like before by "a voice crying out loud in the wilderness" to make a way for the Lord. Yet, the spiritual messengers of God are here in this time to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.


Unfathomable blessings in God's love. The chance to help and even change the undecided future for the better, as God sees


A purpose – and choice to build a new heaven and new earth upon the Earth


Help prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah, first within yourself, and then within others










"Give us but one soul in each of what thy know as thy towns, and we shall spare of this in our Father’s day." (Aka, spiritual messengers of God, June 24, 1983)


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Free surprise gifts

An association with angels when you join!

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Ray Elkins lovingly told listeners, "This organization is designed, not as a religion; each of you here belong to you own religions, and this is as it should be. This is a philosophy."

This little church is simply called, a church to God. 


It has a beautiful history.


In 1979, angels led Ray Elkins to follow a rural route called Christmas Star that lay in the desert mountains beneath the former mining town of Christmas. The mine had been called Christmas because it was staked on Christmas Day, 1902. For many years, people from around the world sent cards and presents there to be postmarked from Christmas.


After Christmas mine closed in the 1980s, the post office says the rural route was renamed Dripping Springs, for the range of mountains under which it lies. But in spirit and in truth in 1979, Ray was guided by angels to follow the Christmas Star. 


“We have come but for one purpose, to prepare a way for the coming. of the Messiah,” the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, say. 


A year beforehand, September 8, 1978, the spiritual messengers of God guided Ray and the flock of people gathering to listen: “You shall build a building, and we shall give unto you the dimensions. It shall serve all of you. And it shall be a place of worship.”


On December 5, 1982, Ray dedicated the new church to God.


Was this timing only coincidence? Or did God’s spiritual messengers know a greater meaning that is being brought forth on heaven and earth in God’s own timing? December 5, 1982, was the first day of the season of the Advent. It is a time of waiting to celebrate the Christ Child’s birth on Christmas. It is also the season of the preparation for the coming of the Messiah today. Many begin the Advent season by telling about John the Baptist, who was sent as his forerunner to prepare a way.


Some remember how Ray was fond of telling us of Jesus’ words in Matthew 24:32-33: “Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh. So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.”


Did we witness many signs (some which went unnoticed) from the spiritual messengers who tell us that Jesus asked the Father to send them to prepare a way for the Messiah’s coming? (See John, chapters 13-17)


This is a true story, our story, of this Association with spirit God sends to prepare a way for his coming. 


The church lies on 1.1 acres in the desert mountains in rural Arizona. One might wonder, is it only coincidence that the Christmas Star route which angels led Ray to follow lies beneath the little town of Christmas at 32 degrees 59’ N. latitude – so close to 31.705382 degrees N. latitude where the little town of Bethlehem lies? 


"Oh, come, all ye faithful...."


The sign that stands in front of the church to God says, “all faiths welcome.” Does it also announce a greater meaning – as a sign of a glorious message spirit sent from God brings to all! 


“Now, we should say unto thee, we have come before thee but for one purpose, and that purpose is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.” (Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, July 7, 1972)


The spiritual messengers of God bring good news “of great joy to all people” – for this day!


“For those who are wise to hear let them hear. 

And for those who are wise to see let them see.  

And when the time comes, and the ocean roars 

and the mountain bellows their mighty force, 

our Father shall write upon the sky the entry of the same.” 

(Aka, spiritual messengers of God, March 17, 1972)

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